Burmester 069

I am wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to listen to the new Burmester 069 reference CD player? How does it compare with their 001 top line player?
I am moving from my Burmester 001 to the Burmester 069. I have the amps and 948 Burmester conditioner as well. The 069 I demo'ed was amazing and after 5.5 hours, I had to make the trade-up. It just does everything better.
you will not regret it. I moved up from Burmester 001 to 069 myself and as good as the 001 is, the 069 is a lot better. I chose this player over Accuphase, Esoteric, Wadia and dCS separates. The Burmester is simply more musical I think.

I have ordered the new 077 reference preamp and will hopefully have it in 6-8 weeks.

What Burmester amps and what speakers do you have?

What were the Esoteric, Wadia, and dCS models you heard? I'm curious because I believe the Wadia 931/921/270se, dCS Scarlatti, and Esoteric P-01/D-01/G-0R represent an uncompromised approach to reference digital. I'd like to know how Burmester fits in there. I believe it is similar in the price ballpark.

I am not too sure about the 001, but compared to my brother's 061, i thought the 069 gave me a sense of grander/fuller scale, detailed but with sharper contrast, regal and majestic. When my bro got 061, I thought to my self, 'no way a redbook CD player can any better', I was wrong. You really have to sit down with the 069 to know/feel what i'm talking about. Hard to put into words.

069 CD transport/DAC, 808 MkV Preamp, 909 Power amp, and B100 speakers
Accuphase 800/801, Esoteric mod APL3.0 and Wadia 270/931/921. I am sorry but have not heard the latest dCS, only verdi/purcell/elgar. Among these I prefer the Accuphase rig. The others are too cold/analytical and less musical in my ears. But I prefer the 069 over the Accuphase. The 069 has more resolution, depth and is more dynamic and musical. This player plays with more "confidence" and authority than any other player I have heard. I could also add Mcintosh MCD1000/MDA1000 combo to this and Theta Compli/GenVIII which I have had in my own system. Also when I run the Theta Compli as a transport into the Burmester 069 as DAC it sounds like a cheap toy in comparison... The 069 just amazes me! I must add I use the 948 conditioner and think that gives the 069 a benefit. There is a lot of synergy when using Burmester components together. That also includes the Burmester power cords. I have tried Valhalla, WireWorld Gold and latest Synergistic Research, but the $500 Burmester AC cord beats them all in my system!