fsonicsmith, Thanks, I'm a white bald old guy that gets excited about stereos and music. Retired Plumbing Contractor self-employed, over 45 years.
I actually joined here to read what others say about equipment, as well, "misery loves company" in the endless search for the effect of a live concert at the turn of a knob!
Also, to sell at least one of my Amps to help pay for new equipment. The Anthem STF amps my wife got me. After all wife's lives matter!
fsonicsmith, Yes, the hair falls, the earlobes grow, the hearing leaves, and wisdom takes over! Take a tip from the wise, turn it up! Try some Miles Davis and prepare for the future, streaming music is trying to get you! Develop a sense of humor to replace your sense of hearing.
I hope this reply is not a violation of thread sequence! If it is copy paste it elsewhere. Or tell me to. carry on with the azimuth and grove path.