Dedicated Line - Things to consider

Hey all,

So…as far as building my system is concerned, I’m pretty much in a good spot for now with the components and cables. I can say I’m satisfied with the sound. But, as we all know, system building isn’t an action that can ever be completed, it’s a state we’re constantly in.

Right now I have few finishing touches left. 
1. Run a dedicated line 
2. Improve room acoustics

Wanted to solicit some thoughts on running a dedicated line. 
First of all, is it a worthy addition? What are the deciding factors? I realize all the appliances in the house 💩 into the power line, and I use a power conditioner for the source components. Amp is plugged directly into the wall. 
Here’s what I have in mind if I’m to go ahead and run a dedicated line - 14 awg solid copper wiring - any particular brand? 20A or 15A circuit? Is it worth running one for the amp and one for source components? Or is using one duplex outlet on a dedicated line sufficient to cover amp and source components? 

Would appreciate any thoughts based on experience and lessons learned…what would you do differently if you were to do it again? What improvements should I be expecting?


Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts!


@immatthewj please let us know what you’ve heard as a result of the test when you get around to it

@immatthewj please let us know what you’ve heard as a result of the test when you get around to it

I will do that, @audphile1 , and let us know what you wind up doing as far as your dedicated circuit(s) go.

I actually hate doing sonic comparisons, because my ears are not good at the A/B thing. It seems like I immediately hear things when they get worse, but not so much when they get better (unless something was drastically & radically wrong). When things get better, I just seem to realize over a period of time that I am enjoying the listening experience more. (There have been some exceptions to that: I can think of a few equipment upgrades that I made that were almost like a slap in the face.)

Anyway, as far as the comparisons between my gear on three circuits vs one circuit, I started thinking about another variable that I would like to rule out of the equation first. And that variable would be the effects of the brand new Romex & whether or not it burns in (or breaks in) & whether or not sonic characteristics will change if & when that happens.

With that last para typed, I am going to give my system just a couple (or so) more sessions in its present configuration before I put the four pieces of gear that I am using all on one. That will give me a bit longer to try to understand what I am or am not hearing before I switch it around; and if the new wires do, in fact, need some running time to settle in, I’d like to make sure I have got that accomplished before attempting any sonic comparisons.

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