Chord Dave and lInear power supply

I had been using Chord Dave and Mscaler for 3 years.


I installed linear power supply by Farad which cost me around 3k Euros including three separate power supplies.



Wow it is worth every penny.


I get more clear separation of each instrument with more tuneful bass.


Also slight sibilance is  gone.


It is Dave +. after modification.


If you own Dave, you had better try it.


The installation is rather handy.


You need to follow instruction.




OK friends, did the FARAD silver level 2 upgrade today to my DAVE today. Funnest HiFi project of my life. FARAD technicians talked with me through the whole build of the 3 power supplies, and shipping process, highly recommended for their customer service at FARAD.

The sound is immediately more detailed and transparent. I won't embellish or exaggerate that it was a revelation, but initially I'd say a 15% improvement. After several hours it has become increasingly transformational in my system, actually stunning. We'll let it burn in a few weeks and really see what it can do.


Hooked the 3 power supplies to 3 Audiowise A/C RF-STOPS that connect to my Shunyata Everest 8000. All 3 FARADs have the furutech and SR purple fuse upgrades. I chose the FARAD silver level 2 upgrade over the Sean Jacobs DC4 Arc 6 because it's 6k cheaper and 2 months quicker in shipping to you. Very very happy with it so far, and it can only get better with burn in.

I believe my Audiowise OPTO-DX from Mscaler to DAVE that runs on LIFEPO4 batteries is the reason why the FARAD power supply wasn't as dramatic a transformation as others, because the OPTO-DX is so incredible in optical galvanic isolation making the power difference more subtle. Nevertheless it is a huge upgrade likened only to the OPTO-DX which I believe is an even better upgrade for the DAVE, but put them together and add the Mscaler on LIFEPO4 batteries and it's about as good as DAVE can get.

Running from Jay's Audio MK3-CDT3 and Aurender W20SE sources.

Happy HiFi Holidays to you all!

Update 2:  If you're using the M-scaler get one for it too.  I didn't do that the first time.  Not sure why I ovelooked it.  Maybe it wasn't in my system at the time but made a big differene there.  I now have a stack of 4 Farad super 3s.  System has never sounded so good.




I happened to install linear power supply(not Farad) to Mscaler  about two months ago.


It improved the sound.


Thus I had decided to install Farad kits on Dave.


You went the other way around.😀



Mattijs is great.  He will ship your DAVE supply in multiple boxes because mine got tied up in customs because of the listed value.  The single power supply for the M-scaler flew through customs. 
