Sony scd-1 vs Ayre C5xe

I am looking to make a change to my digital set up for my two channel habit.
The question is do I change to the Ayre C5xe which is supposed to be a great player or keep my Sony scd-1 and get it hot rodded. I have way more CD than SACD so redbook is important but I still want to listen to SACD.
Thanks for your time.
I have to agree with the quality of sound coming out of these modded sonys. And I don't want to keep beating a dead horse here. But my goodness I just can not believe the soundsatge this player throws and the micro dynamics are just stunning.

Associated electronics are cj premier 350 amp , cj premier 16lsII pre-amp and HGA cabling (DNA interconnects and X-32 Speaker cables). And I almost forgot Thiel 3.6 speakers and the sony scd-1. Thats it very simple sytem but the sound is very pleasing.

Thanks for all the input. The Ayre is out and thinking hard re the Emm labs or the mods for the Sony.
Didn't mean to push you away from the Ayre it is very good if not the best at its' price point. The emm will be better IMO. The sonys (scd-1/777es) are great players when modded properly but getting parts may become an issue as they have been discontinued for awhile.

Most of the time everyone sticks up for their gear. I have an Ayre C-5xe. One of the design attributes that brought me to it was that the transport is easily replaced in the future. Mods are interesting, but tough to compare. Listen to everything you can. The Ayre player has gotten enough press and several reviewers use it as a reference. I will say that the DVD-A performance is awesome. I have several 192khz discs and it is fantastic. At it's price new or used it's tough to beat. I have no complaints.
I've owned three modified Sonys,(777ES, two 999ES) and a couple stock SCD-1s. I prefer the Ayre over all of them.