Has anyone tried the new Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - Ethernet Filter?

I was wondering if anyone has tried the new (and expensive) Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - Ethernet Filter.  I find that some SR products such as their cable line are nicely effective while others..........well, maybe no so much.  According to SR these things run $300 each and plug into unused ethernet ports to "filter" ethernet signals.  Please weigh in here so I can ascertain whether they are worth a try.  Thank you.

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I thought this was a thread about the Ethernet enhancers. Looks like it turned into a SR bash.

I like trying various tweaks, some work well and some don’t. I like companies that think outside the norm. I have owned through the years many SR products. The only ones I currently still have is the SR tuning dots (BTW, the SR tuning dots is an amazing product that performs well above the price point) and now the Ethernet enhancers.

The Ethernet enhancer at this early stage does seem to perform as advertised but I will need to give them more time.

And...they do come with a 30-day money back guarantee.


@ozzy they do nothing. it's not possible for them to do anything. those are the facts.

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