SUT - electrical theory and practical experience

Some vinyl users use a SUT to enhance the signal of the MC cartridge so that it can be used in the MM input of a phono stage.  Although I don't understand the theory behind it, I realize that a SUT should be matched individually to a particular cartridge, depending on the internal impedance of the MC, among other things.  

Assuming an appropriately / ideally matched SUT and MC, What are the inherent advantages or disadvantages of inserting a SUT after the MC in the audio chain?  Does the SUT theoretically enhance or degrade the sound quality?  What does the SUT actually do to the sound quality? 



I do agree, it is for the OP to steer a thread, if the content of it is developing into a discussion beyond their needs and seen to be best kept as a separate topic.

The Topic makes a lot of sense when maintained in a area where the Science in use has a Audible to the Human Ear function.

It looks like Bats are being catered for in the frequencies being presented and being a outcome of a Theorem presented.

This Thread is now about Theorem and whether one version is able to be proven superior to another, even thought the condition under discussion may not even be audible to the Human Ear, and certainly most unlikely to be audible to the individuals Spoiling the Thread with the attempts to maintain the Math as the important area of discussion.   

If I was a visitor to this thread, my first thoughts would be to question the understanding of the Theorem being presented by those who are enforcing the subject to the forefront.

I don't trust many views presented on Math, as there are those that can read it and comment on it, as their interpretation, and there are those that produce the Math. The producers of Math that has become Theorem, are quite a different being to a interpreter of a produced Math.   

Some of us find the science of these devices to be interesting per se.  Some others do not.  Based on his posts to start the thread and subsequently, I judge that the OP is one of those interested in the science. If he thinks the thread has drifted away from his intended question (which it has once or twice), he can say so here. If you prefer the subjective experience of "listening" as the sole means of selecting the elements of your audio system, I respect that.  I prefer a mixture of both, but anyone who is turned off by the technical language can simply stop reading.  Argumentative sidebars about whether SUTs are good or evil are beside the point of the thread; I agree. I do not nor have I ever owned a SUT nor heard one in my system, yet I do find the subject interesting, and I am open-minded as to the potential virtues, because of the testimony of so many others who do use SUTs.

Pindac, What "theorem" are you referring to?  Thanks.

Dear @antinn  : The figures in the phonolinepreamp in my system was measured.


"   the amp becomes unstable. "


Not the one I own that was designed by a " genius ", not that really is a genius but his knowledge levels are at least at the same of any one of you and even could be higher than you can imagine. This is not bla, bla.



Dear @holmz @lewm  : Good say it. Even almost all the OP links where full of science/math because as holmz and the op wanted is to UNSERSTAND it how it works and from where could comes or not the advantages.



Dear @holmz @lewm @intactaudio : My Denon AU-1000 just arrived from its measurements I ask and what I receive of information is that this exxtremely special custom made for Denon Murata SUT transformers has a bandwindth ( my hard silver wired . ): - 1.35db at 3hz ( FR is the champ in tihis frequency range ) and totally flat to -2.5db at 305khz. It's THD 0.001 and noise levels -105db. I understand that the Murata is c0oper wired but superior to the silver Knondo and Ortofon silver wired too.. For me is really good this Denon. Unfortunatelly I did not ask for its rise time.


I own other Murata SUT’s as Entré and Denon AU-340 and even that the Entré transformers looks similar to the AU-340 exist a tiny differences in favor of the Denon, both transformers hard wired with same kind of cable.

Lewm as I told you , the AU-1000 is really near the direct connection to the MC in my phonolinepreamp and this speaks a lot of its quality performance levels.

