I do agree, it is for the OP to steer a thread, if the content of it is developing into a discussion beyond their needs and seen to be best kept as a separate topic.
The Topic makes a lot of sense when maintained in a area where the Science in use has a Audible to the Human Ear function.
It looks like Bats are being catered for in the frequencies being presented and being a outcome of a Theorem presented.
This Thread is now about Theorem and whether one version is able to be proven superior to another, even thought the condition under discussion may not even be audible to the Human Ear, and certainly most unlikely to be audible to the individuals Spoiling the Thread with the attempts to maintain the Math as the important area of discussion.
If I was a visitor to this thread, my first thoughts would be to question the understanding of the Theorem being presented by those who are enforcing the subject to the forefront.
I don't trust many views presented on Math, as there are those that can read it and comment on it, as their interpretation, and there are those that produce the Math. The producers of Math that has become Theorem, are quite a different being to a interpreter of a produced Math.