Does Aether Audio still exist?

Their speakers were getting very good reviews a year or two ago. Now I can find no mention of them.
Mike, my and mike_cullinan's references to Christianity are an ironic reference to Bob's "Christianity" that permeates all his threads on Audiocircle and that we who have dealt with him are familiar with. In no way was I equating Humanity with Christianity for any other reason. It certainly was not a denigration of any other religion. I am as familiar as you with the causes of all the religious wars in history and their basis, so thanks for pointing that out.
Ah, the inability to communicate sarcasm via the internet forum...sigh. My bad, Denis and Mike. I apologize to you both. These days I read or hear those kinds of comments all the time from our supposed "leaders" [sarcastic] all around the world. I