Dear @atmasphere : " I am in disagreement with Mr. Der Veen on this topic. "
Rothwell too and I learned that almost 20+25 years ago.
@intactaudio : " I believe loading of a MC cartridge has a dramatic effect on the electromechanical behavior of the cartridge but that is a topic for another thread. "
Exist at least 4 long threads about in this forum, in all were very hot dialogues and that the end even that in theory exist the phenomenon that the cartridge cantilever could " suffer " of some kind of " stifness " and even if happens Wynn proved in two of those thread with measurements in real time that the effect in reality does not disturb the cartridge tracking levels and the one that really could " suffers " with that load/cartridge inductance and total nettwork capacitance is the bad phono stages designs but fortunatelly today not only Phono Stages have widebandwindth but high overload levels.
@mijostyn could tell us something about because his phono stage has an over 3Mhz of bandwindth and high overload. Something as the phonolinepreamp in my system.