Burning in a new DAC

I'll be receiving my new DAC soon; the manufacturer suggests a burn-in period that may take up to a month. I have not understood this process well. My question is, does the DAC need to be feeding (in this case a Transcendent Sound pre-amp)a piece of equipment that is actively "outputting" (turned on, driving an amp), or can burn-in be achieved simply by having the DAC turned on with an active *input* (from my HagUSB)? If I don't have to have my tube gear turned on (preamp, amp), and can simply leave my iTunes actively playing music files, outputted to the HagUSB (& therefore the DAC), I will leave my computer (& the HagUSB,& the DAC) running 24/7 to do so to achieve burn-in quicker.
So is it ok to just use pink noise to break-in ICs, DACs and preamps? If one is just using pink noise only to break-in ICs how many hours with just the Pink Noise before the cables are broken in? Right now I'm breaking in some Morrow Audio ICs and XLRs and not listening to them in my system until after 400 to 500 hours. I'm hoping with just the pink noise the break-in time will be cut down.

They also say that hard rock and electronic music is good for breaking in components and cables.
Thanks Krell_Man for chiming in. After a week's worth of pink noise I'm going to switch things up. I've got lots of different hard rock and electronic music to run through the gear.
I just bought the chord mojo. it sounds flat and not much different from my phone. I did have another mobile dac, it was an ifi hipdac and it broke in within a few hours. Was that just luck? Do mobile dacs require burn in too? If so, also what is a tuner? where could i get one to plug into the chord mojo for pink noise? I realize these comments are from 2012 but hoping someone could help me. Thanx
Scottie, a tuner is a standalone component (or built in to a receiver) that allows one to listen to AM or FM radio. Since it is always broadcasting (assuming you "tune in" to a radio station), it’s an easy way to get free and constant signal into your component for burn in. If you just want one for this purpose best to go to a thrift store or something - they’re somewhat rare these days in HiFi and new ones like from magnum dynalab are expensive. Perhaps a portable radio might have some output jacks you could use to plug in to your system. There’s also internet radio tuners you can buy.  FWIW I just burnt in a new DAC, and right out of the box it was dull sounding - over a couple weeks the highs opened up, which was the most noticeable change, and the whole thing also got a bit more transparent and open.  I was constantly comparing it to another DAC I have, so the changes were very obvious.