Cartridge Recommendations for SME V Arm

I have a VPI TNT Jr. turntable with an SME V arm. My current cartridge is an older Sumiko SHO feeding an Audio Research PH3 phono preamp in turn into a BAT VK5i preamp and Revel Gem or Revel F208 speakers driven by a BAT VK 6200 6 channel amp. I'd like to upgrade my cartridge and would like to keep the cost below no more than around $3000. I am intrigued by the Hana line and the cheaper Lyra's, Dynavectors , Ortofons, etc. but not really sure where to start. I primarily listen to symphonic classical, 60's and 70's rock, sound tracks and some jazz. Lots to unpack there. Any suggestions to where I should start? Thanks for your thoughts!

Ag insider logo xs@2xme7

BTW, SoundSmith is currently having a sale on existing inventory, Paua being one of those on sale. I'm sure you can negotiate a $3k price with an authorized dealer.

One big advantage of SoundSmith other than great sound quality is rebuilds of all their cartridges is 20% of retail, a fraction of what other brands charge.

A Van den Hul Frog would suit your musical tastes very well. From looking at the specs, the PH3 has gain of 54db, so you would probably need the HO high output version of the Frog.

I'm using a Koetsu Black (and I am not alone in this judging by some reviewers systems !!) - spend the loose change on more vinyl.