patricia barber - diana krall - holly cole

wouldnt that be awesome if they - toured together - tell me it wouldnt be sold out every night they played. 


I like all three of these performers. I liked Barbara Streisand too but heard she is not so nice. To each his own, everyone can listen to whomever they like? No problem.. I don't get the negative comments because of this?? 


to each his own, everyone can listen to whomever they like?

Nope, not on Audiogon. If you don’t hate Diana Krall there is something wrong with you. It has to be that way.  Case closed and period.

I think all you defending her are proving my point. Horny old men who care more about that the albums are “generally magnificently recorded“ than the music itself. Top tip. There are lots of albums that are well recorded.

You are correct, @mayoradamwest , you don’t like her so therefore no one else should like her.


I’d settle for just Holly Cole and Patricia Barber.

Diana Krall concerts are boring AF.

They would probably tear at each other’s clothes, like Lucy & Ethel

I can’t leave this unaddressed. If this refers to the famous wine-making scene, the other woman wasn’t Ethel, it was an Italian woman.

That said, I'd watch it.