Cartridge Recommendations for SME V Arm

I have a VPI TNT Jr. turntable with an SME V arm. My current cartridge is an older Sumiko SHO feeding an Audio Research PH3 phono preamp in turn into a BAT VK5i preamp and Revel Gem or Revel F208 speakers driven by a BAT VK 6200 6 channel amp. I'd like to upgrade my cartridge and would like to keep the cost below no more than around $3000. I am intrigued by the Hana line and the cheaper Lyra's, Dynavectors , Ortofons, etc. but not really sure where to start. I primarily listen to symphonic classical, 60's and 70's rock, sound tracks and some jazz. Lots to unpack there. Any suggestions to where I should start? Thanks for your thoughts!

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@clearthinker - absoltutely. VdH cartridges' low tracking weight makes them long lived anyway and AJ's retip/rebuilds are tremendous value for money.

@retiredfarmer - how do you define "fun to listen to" with specific reference to the Glider v the Frog?

I am very happy with my Hana SH on my VPI Prime /JMW 10.5" 3D arm. Just listened to Sara Maclaclan's version of Hallelujah on the Leonard Cohen Memorial album. There are a couple paces where her voice and the piano could easily send a lesser combination into a harsh mis-tracking. Not a trace here.  I can't comment on how my Hana would compare to a Koetsu or similar other than to say read the reviews of those who have and not found the Hana wanting in any way.

Thank you all for your feedback. I'm sure all of these recommendations would be a step up from my current set up. Now I have to figure out the next step. Happy New Year!

A glider is a nicer sounding cartridge  than a frog. Much more fun to listen to. 

You must have had a dud - I used to sell both - the VDH Frog is much more nuanced than the Benz Glider.

+1 SoundSmith. I have a Paua mk II on my SME V.

Fully concur, I compared a Soundsmith Paua, Lyra Helikon SL & Koetsu Rosewood in the same system - the Paua was easily the best match and sounded superb on the SME V.