Speaker Hum

I just moved into a new (to me, actually built in the mid 60s) house where no matter which outlet I use I get an audible hum through the speakers when the volume of the integrated amp is pushed past 50%. Would any power conditioners improve or eliminate this severe of a problem? Any thoughts would be appreciated!


After reading through the thread I am unsure if you tried this. After 20 years in the same house my speakers developed a hum one day this year. I tried unplugging everything one at a time including the cable box to no avail. Still had a hum. At the suggestion of the amplifier manufacturer I disconnected the COAX from the wall to the cable box. No hum. Installed a COAX inline isolation transformer and no hum (or maybe 99% less hum). I was misled thinking unplugging the cable box was the same as disconnecting the cable box COAX in. FWIW.

Jim S.


any audiophile moving into a home needs to do a thorough inspection.

Totally agree, and I too also recommend and encourage it be done. In addition to running some new circuits, I replaced all switches and outlets in my home when I moved in 21 years ago. Yeah, I too hate the back stabbed method of connecting outlets or switches. None currently exist in my home, and when doing maintenance work anywhere else, I never ever use that method of connection.

If you look at my virtual system pictures, you’ll see the meter I use to measure my home ground system resistance (which measures under 1 ohm). It’s a meter I also use in the radio broadcast industry to measure ground resistances in broadcast facilities.


Hi everyone thanks for all the input. Since my last post I:

1 – Unplugged HDMI cable - no difference

2 – Unplugged COAX - no difference

3 – Unplugged powered subs - no difference

4 – All RCA ins and outs unplugged - no difference

5 – The hum is still there with the headphones plugged in (through the headphones)  

6 – Checked - there are no labels on any of the outlets regarding grounding

So since I know nothing about electric I'm assuming the next move is to contact an electrician? 

Thanks everybody






-Do you have the ability to take the amp to another location (with headphones), and try it there?

-Before you call an electrician, I would try turning off all circuit breakers except the one that powers the amp.

-I’m wondering if you have a ground and neutral switched inside the house somewhere.

-jetter suggested trying a cheater plug (3 prong to two prong adapter). If you haven’t already tried it, I also recommend doing that before calling an electrician.

-erik_squires recommended purchasing an outlet tester (pretty much any brand or type purchased at Home Depot or a hardware store will do), and plugging it into your outlets for testing them.

-Are you noticing any other electrical abnormalities in your home?