VTV D300 Digital amp

Very similar to the Peachtree GaN 1 but with more power and bigger power supply....Nice WBT jack option.  Nothing to say about the sound, as yet....as this is just now being released and none have been shipped.  But.....this thread is ready when someone gets one and can chime in with their findings.  Just like the Peachtree, this one only has coax input.



"Heavy, custom designed aluminum case" — with a Purifi badge 😆

Except for their own input buffers, VTV merely assembles amps from pre-made OEM modules. I wonder who makes the modules for this amp?


You need volume control in your streamer, xover or computer.  For instance, if you have only CD as a source you could use the $500 Minidsp flex with its remote volume control and you can use all the eq in the flex to equalize and room correct....and then add another amp later if you want to biamp your speakers or make your own speakers.  The $400 IFI Zenstreamer has an app for your phone that has volume control.....you can stream with that or add a hard drive or thumb drive to play files.  Many other streamers have coax out with remote controls or apps to use your phone as volume/controller.  The Lumin U2 mini has LEEDH lossless volume control and everything controlled by the app downloaded to your phone or tablet.

If you are using a streamer with volume control then you can always later add the Minidsp Flex in line to room correct and or to biamp......lots of options

He will be getting faceplates in without the Purifi logo......The modules are from the same company as used in the Peachtree GaN 1......Elegant Audio Solutions (EAS). There are lots of companies all over the world that do what VTV does....Nord, Apollon, Audionics, Rouge Audio Design, March Audio, etc. All make very good products.....Right now, the only one selling a digital amp is VTV.....free shipping in the US and 30 day money back.

@ricevs thanks for the detailed info.  Very helpful and insightful.  Just would prefer a remote volume on the amp and not have to rely on ap’s, additional components or select streamers/players.  All Digital seems like a great way to go if you are building a new streaming system at a reduced cost.

There will be integrated digital amps with switching between usb and coax and built in volume control.......Oh gee.....there already is a digital amp like that.....the Technics at $2700.  But does it sound as good as this EAS module?......the guy at EAS said his was better......is that just talk?  For me, the revolution is not just the purity of these EAS modules but the fact that you can get a couple of stereo amps and bi-amp and room correct using the Flex xover......You can make your own speakers that have zero analog xovers and you will simply blow your mind with purity of  sound.  Cannot do this with the Technics.....well, you could buy two of them.....but now you are talking a lot of money and it would look pretty weird having two big units with volume controls on them in your room.  You still need a streamer with the Technics......so why not have a streamer with volume control and then the Flex and two amps......$3500....or so.......and then bi-amp for incredible sound.  This is what I want.  We all want.....what we want.....he he.  When you know how much xover parts wreck the sound....and then removing the DAC, preamp and normal amp from the chain.....well, I just don't see another more transparent way to make music for under $30K......maybe some super DAC, Preamp, amp and speaker with xover for $30-$50K plus will beat this.......but I would not bet on it.