2023 Audio System Wish List

I’ve been doing this for years now- and it’s time for our 2023 wish list!

in 2022, I put together a very effective bedroom system- Wharfedale Diamond 12.2 speakers on Monoprice stands driven by an NAD 316BEE V2 integrated amp, fed by a Bluesound Node (n130). As a result of moving my node out of my main system I bought an Auralic Aries G1 for streaming in my main system.

My main goal for 2023 is to explore and add more music. Streaming has been a fantastic way of exploring new to me music, and in some instances after streaming an album, I also wound up buying it on vinyl.

What’s your audio goal for 2023. A new preamp? A DAC? Music?

Enjoy 🥂




I am going to purchase the new Taket Live supertweeter, want to see if it will take the SQ up further vs the Batpro 2s I presently have. Also, I am going to buy at least 1 set of Neodio Origine B2 Acoustic Purifiers. I have 2 sets of the original B1s and use them as footers under 2 of my integrated amps, in both cases a noticeable improvement in SQ. There's a review of the B2s by Roy Gregory on Gy8 if you have any interest in checking them out.

Not sure that I really want to go down the new amp route but if i do probably will look at either a Neodio Origine A2 integrated amp, or a Circle Labs A200 integrated amp.



Interesting on the Taket super tweeter. Is it available in the USA?


If I had endless $$$$ which I don’t, I would love to try a pair of the Klipsch Cornwall IV and a pair of Legacy Audio speakers in my second system.  I would love the ability to roll in different speakers regarding the mood I am in.  I am currently waiting on some test results and if I do not have cancer, I am going to buy a 55 inch OLED TV for the living room.  I am leaning towards a Sony as they have been making OLED’s for years or a Samsung.  Our Samsung LED TV which is 7 years old would go upstairs to my office.  Still waiting for a letter from my doctor and the agony is killing me. 

Toying with the idea of buying a new pre-amp.  I have an old Apt-Holman pre-amp which is a classic piece of equipment with technology far ahead of its time. Not sure there will be any significant improvement with a new pre-amp, Comments?