Paradisea, Airport Express and Denon 2910

Is it possible to connect a Paradisea to the USB port of an Airport Express? If I remember correctly, the USB connection on the Airport was designed for printer sharing. Has anyone successfully used it as an alternative to the headphone jack?

Also, would the Paradisea offer an improvement to a Denon 2910?
Sound from Airport Express USB is not possible. The AE headphone jack is also a Mini-TosLink out just use a mini adapter to full Toslink.
Thanks Edo. I appreciate that info.

Does anyone know whether the Paradisea would improve the performance of a Denon 2910? My guess is that it would, but wondering if anyone has first-hand experience.

Does the Paradisea allow you to switch betw. Toslink, RCA and USB inputs? It looks like there's a switch in the back.
Does the Paradisea allow you to switch betw. Toslink, RCA and USB inputs? It looks like there's a switch in the back.

The switch on the back toggles the Toslink and RCA. The DAC defaults to USB when a USB cable is inserted.

I'm not familiar with a Denon 2910 so couldn't comment on the comparison. The Paradisea is an excellent DAC to my ears. I've preferred it over a current production Benchmark USB, as well as a Wavelength Brick. I do prefer the output on my Modwright/Sony 999ES.
