Some top cd-players


Is it possible to comment about ARC CD7, EMM CDSA SE, AMR CD-77 and Reimyo CDP-777 and compare them?

Thank you.
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Heard the ARC reference CD-7 and thought it sounded very good. I wouldn't buy one though because it is a one trick pony (redbook only). About as close to my (at the time)modded SCD-1 on redbook as I have heard a production player come. Although it was not in my system so take it for what it is.

Can't comment on the others.
See Arthur Salvatore's site, which describes a "shoot out" that included three of the four (along with some other players).
elizabeth, you are a wise women:

i have heard the reimyo and audio research players, but have not heard the two in the same system.

are you considering the purchase of one of these players ?

if so, you should listen to them. they are relatively expensive and there are is at least one other player you might consider as well, namely, the amr.

when you contemplate spending more than $5000 for a cd player, you should audition it in your own system.
Elizabeth you are right, but I hope that there are people who have auditioned combinations of two of them, so their comments would be very helpful.

Mrtennis could you comment further about your experience with the players you have heard?