@jerryg123 To be fair, not all components that carry the ASR seal of approval are crap. Taking DAC's for example, the Mola Mola Tambaqui is top 10 in measured SINAD and is a top flight DAC by almost all accounts. The Okto DAC8 Stereo (which I own) is also a top measuring DAC and it earned Stereophile's 2021 digital component of the year. The Holo May KTE also measures well and is one of the highest regarded R2R DAC's.
We are all aware of ASR's methodology and ideology, however. They love inexpensive components that meet the approval of their measuring tools. Very little listening actually occurs. I am undecided if this is a blessing or a curse. On one hand you can assemble a measurably perfect system for little cost. On the other hand you are resigned to the belief that you can not trust your own hearing.
I say if it sounds better, then it is better.