I have a pair of martin logan 40i. Blusound node most recent version. Anthem mrx 720. I have the speakers connected with bi wire blue jeans speaker cable. The blu sound via optical cable. I have about 1000 dollars. What could I upgrade. Thought about getting an amp like the parasound 23+ or upgrading the streamer to a cambridge. Please I would love some help/suggestions
There are about 100 ways to go.
- simplicity: TDAI 1120 (but that breaks the $1000 budget)
- active speakers and get rid of the cables and amps (also breaks the $1k budget)
Personally I would save the $1k and give it some thought as to the outcome.
Saying one wants “better”, sort of demands some idea of what better is, so we can go about getting towards what better is.
What is it that you do not about it like currently?
How is the current system less than ideal?
Which of your system components do you feel are keepers?