I recently purchased a pair of current production Tonian Lab Oriaco G6 speakers and am just delighted.
I heard Tony's speakers at the last two THE Shows in Long Beach, California and was impressed both times with how natural they sounded. In other words, a clarinet sounded like a clarinet, a trumpet like a trumpet, etc. In addition, they nicely reproduced space when captured on the recording and transients sounded right.
Volt Lites (Burbank, CA) is now a dealer for Tonian Lab speakers and Grant Dunn brought a pair to an audio friend of mine to audition. The speakers sounded as great as I remembered from the show, so I asked and got permission to try them out at my home afterwards.
I did. I loved them. I bought them.
I don't change speakers often keeping most 5-10 years. My last pair were single drivers with entrancing coherence, but other short comings. The Oriaco G6 maintain the single driver-like coherence but extend the frequency range both directions and present much more clarity, nuance, and detail.
My Tonian Lab Oriaco G6 speakers bring me joy and delight on all styles of music I play through them from any source. I'm a very happy customer.