I got my GAN1 amp today and set it up with the gear described in my prior post. All is working great. I decided to use my best USB cable too.
The unit is FOB so it is not fair to comment too much, but I am seriously impressed by this unit. The sound is excellent. It sounds clean like my AHB2 amp and also like the LSA Voyager 350 GAN (after EVS mods, GAN1 better than stock LSA Voyager). The digital conversion is really good. There may be something to going DAC-less
It is a shame that I cannot integrate my KEF KC62 sub-woofer with my existing streaming setup and my KEF LS50 Meta. I have no plans to use any other streaming technology, so I am stuck. I like my Sonore OpticalRendu’s.
The GAN1 is a bit of a laid-back sound and thus should be great with my RAAL SR1a earphones. This is going to sound great with the SR1a and so simple. I am going to put this in my Family room where there is no music at the moment.
I also bought a used CODA #16 amp today so I now have 3 amps I will compare later in 2023, Benchmark AHB2 monos, GAN1, and CODA #16 with KEF Blade 2 Meta.
I also have 2 tuners that get at least 3 - 4hours of workout M-F in my office so the GAN1 does not help there.