+1 @mijostyn - great post.
OP - Even though you have stone floors, I would recommend getting the Rega P10 (or P8 and get a great cartridge which is very close in quality at about 55% of the price) with a suspension externally since one is not built in. You can also get a wall shelf. I have a P8 and put it on a Townshend platform and then on top of a wall shelf. Minimizing vibrations to the maximum extent I can. Platform improved the sound dramatically and the shelf got rid of any foot falls, and I have a suspended floor over a crawl space, so that is critical. Maybe just the suspension will maximize it for you with the stone floors.
If you truly want set it and forget and simplicity of purchase, Rega is the way to go (or if you want to splurge, you can get an SME, but get a IV or V arm). I like an integrated arm/table design. Also there is a unique clamp you can get for the Rega that accommodates the extremely short spindle. I use it on warped records for the maximum impact. It is by a company that also makes the mat I use that minimizes vibration further as the record only is in contact with the mat for a couple square mms. Hexmat eclipse mat and Molekula clamp made in Hungary, but delivery was a snap in the states. Both are a little pricey, but worth it to me.