Anyone compared Droplet to the Raysonic CD168?

Once owned a Droplet and am looking for something with similar positive attributes, plus a little more in terms of better stage definition, etc.
I was refering to new 228 4K Raysonic.
And when high resolution frequencies have exccesive brightness and coloration, gritty or harsh sounding if you will - veiled by defenition is smearing and or hazzing (not dull or dark). So when I said veiled, I meant that the acctual information or "detaile" is lost or inaccurat due to coloration.
Enjoy your Raysonic
with Sony transport and planty of " detail".
I do not need your attention and please do not take my advise since I am not giving any.
Proud Droplet owner????
Please, give me a break.

If you said that my preferences are different then yours......well, that is another story.

So, do not let me stop you......there are planty Rays up for sell on AgoN........and if I was you , I would not even look at Droplet or anything else for that matter...

Give me a break.........
unless you have some real life experiences with either and others.

Enjoy reading reviews

Yes Joe, you are right......I got it upside down. My Droplet has new Philips transport. Thanks for correction.

I might soon use Droplet as the transport only ........and yes it is a shame but I have heard something that is very special and am working on getting this dac in my system as we speak.

And NO, I am not anty-Raysonic......I have recommended 128 to other audiophiles on the budget in the past and still think that it is a very good player for the is just not for me......that is all.

Mtjstark, FWIW when you start a post with a statement "I hate to piss on the parade of you ray guys, but...." I should think that you would expect someone to ask you to put your money where your mouth is, that is you should tell us all about the tests you conducted using the Raysonic in direct comparison with the Droplet, including what tubes you were using in the Raysonic, as well as what all of the associated equipment might be. The absence of such comments really evicerates the worth of your testimonial. At least to anyone who might really care. Unsupported testimonials are a dime a dozen around here.

Also, it escapes me why you would, in essence, think that your opinion was of greater value to anyone than, for example, the opinion of Larryken who had owned a Droplet for 3 years and had opted for a Raysonic. Is he some sort of dufus and you are an expert?

"Please give me a break". Not likely so long as you are going to "piss on parades" with nothing more that personal opinions of dubious value.

Also, it escapes me why you would, in essence, think that your opinion was of greater value to anyone than, for example, the opinion of Larryken who had owned a Droplet for 3 years and had opted for a Raysonic. Is he some sort of dufus and you are an expert?

"Please give me a break". Not likely so long as you are going to "piss on parades" with nothing more that personal opinions of dubvious value.

I never said or suggest anything of that sort. Trying to put the words in my mouth is not going to work .....sorry. I know what I said and stand by it.

The only true statement in your post is that it is in fact my personal opinion and should be taken as such.

Seems like your are asking me to prove my honesty, knowledge or truthfulness. Well, let me put it this way:
I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. Even if I was sucked into your little game it would not change a thing......don't you think?????

I don't write reviews like yourself since I do not feel that my qualifications and language are up to the task.
Opinions or suggestions posted by me on AgoN or other sides are exactly that. And if you (for whatever reason) don't agree with my experiences or point of view.....fine.
There is nothing wrong with that either. You feel that my statement was bias because I own this particular CD player...... I do not exactly believe that insinuation but I would be very surprised if it wasn't the case with most audiophiles who own audio gear they worked so hard for.

If you must know, I helped out in Raysonic room at 2008 CES and heard plenty of Rays before that as well as after.
Including 24K speakers and 10K amps.....which but away were also Rays and were also not my cup of tea. How honest do you want me do be??????