downsize from ARC CD3 MKII to $1500 CDP happily?

this poor economy is forcing me to make cuts everywhere & unfortunately my system is next. I would like to sell my pristine ARC CD3 MKII and downsize somewhat to something that won't be too much of a downgrade sound-wise. Budget is $1500 used for a replacement one-box player. Maybe there is something I could find I might like even better? I've owned a Rega Planet & a couple of Cary (306/200 & 303/100) players in the past which seem to synergize well with the Cary amp. I have a couple players in mind but don't want to sway any suggestions would be greatly appreciated....
taking a haircut on selling audio is not advised...cut back elswhere if possible, or you'll just live with the angst of wanting to buy it back. there's nothing worse than selling in a strapped moment, and then loging to get it back.
belcanto dac2 / oppo 980 dvd player
under a grand and since money matters this would prob be very tough combo to beat at 1500 standalone cdp
Agree with Jaybo... you won't recoup much more than $1500 for the CD3, and you'll end up just rebuying higher-end gear. If you really like the CD3, I'd keep it.