Emotiva or Anthem or Something Else?


Does anyone have any experience comparing Emotiva to Anthem?

I am about to buy a new system for the livingroom that we are building over here.  This system in this space will be tasked with driving a 5.2.4 home theater system for TV and Movies but it will also need to provide excellent sound quality for listening to music. The sound quality for the music is a top priority.  The source material for this system will be Netflicks and Apple TV for the video content and Amazon HD Music for the Music.

I am considering either the Emotiva RMC-1L processor and XPA9 Gen3 Amp combo or the Anthem MRX 1140 8K.  The Emotiva combo is a bit more expensive and would also require a network streamer for Amazon HD Music which will be a bit more $$.

What is considered to have the better sound quality between these two options? 

Is there something else that I should be looking at?



I’ve been considering several options. One is an NAD receiver and then adding on an NAD two channel power amp. That set up would be an NADT778 + an NAD C 275BEE. I would also need an NAD C268 to power one pair of the ceiling speakers as the NAD doesnt have 4 powered channels.…What is tricky is that I want to use the subs for both the stereo listening as well as the home theater listening.

No.  Just, no.  Listen to me — get a decent AVR like Yamaha and then add a really good stereo integrated.  You’re going down a bad path.  NAD may be convenient but is not your friend.  Buy a Yammy AVR and a great integrated from Hegel, Pass, Yamaha, Ayre, etc. and you’ll be MUCH better off.  Why the fixation with NAD?  

NAD is just one possibility. I’ve heard NAD amps in the past and I was impressed by the sound quality. But open to others.

Similarly, I heard an Anthem 740 at a local shop and it sounded pretty good too.

In the set up you are describing would I have two different pairs of front speakers?

Is it possible to incorporate the subs into the stereo configuration? What I’m really looking to do is a 2.1 set up for music listening. It looks like the Hegel Integrated Amp has line out so thats one way it could work, however how could I have the subs as part of the home theater configuration also?


In the set up you are describing would I have two different pairs of front speakers?

No.  But the only thing hooked up to your front L/R speakers would be the integrated amp.  You ask a great question about how to incorporate subs, and I honestly haven’t figured that out but maybe someone else here has a suggestion.  I would, however, recommend doing a 2.2 stereo system instead of 2.1 if you can — 2 subs much better than one.


1.) In your suggested set up, when we are watching a movie is the integrated amp powering the two front channel speakers?

2.) When I am listening to the two channel configuration I assume that I am controlling the volume using the volume control on the stereo amp?

3.) For integration of the Subs... yes, I am attempting a 2.2 configuration with two subwoofers.  The subwoofers are self powered and I can set crossover points and filters.   If the stereo integrated amp as a line out L/R then I should be able to plug those subs into the integrated amp and then have a 2.2 system... correct?  For example take this one....


To answer both your two questions, yes and yes.  But I’m sorry, I can’t answer your question about integrating the subs for both stereo and HT applications.  I just can’t wrap my head around that one, but I’d absolutely configure 2 subs to work in my 2-channel setup cause the benefits are palpable.  Full stop.  How you can get the subs to also work in an HT application?  I’m at a loss and so sorry I have no answer for you there.