I’ve been considering several options. One is an NAD receiver and then adding on an NAD two channel power amp. That set up would be an NADT778 + an NAD C 275BEE. I would also need an NAD C268 to power one pair of the ceiling speakers as the NAD doesnt have 4 powered channels.…What is tricky is that I want to use the subs for both the stereo listening as well as the home theater listening.
No. Just, no. Listen to me — get a decent AVR like Yamaha and then add a really good stereo integrated. You’re going down a bad path. NAD may be convenient but is not your friend. Buy a Yammy AVR and a great integrated from Hegel, Pass, Yamaha, Ayre, etc. and you’ll be MUCH better off. Why the fixation with NAD?