Ok, after a long wait (maybe some back order or shipping error) I finally received two of the UEF Enhancers. As noted above, I dont generally stream my audio, but my streamer is connected to the network.
First, yes these do change the sound. I found that they increase the space/soundstage and bring out little details like echos and reverb and increase separation. I didn't notice much increase in bass, and I'm guessing that is system dependent.
I tried one at my Etherregen, and the another at my wifi router and then switched it to the etherregen. They had a greater impact at the Etherregen, than the router, but cumulative impact was very similar.
I actually found that while one was good, two of them start to bring out details to the point or making things a bit analytical and imstruments/voices two dimensional. I'm leaving them both in for a while on the chance that it mellows with time. But so far, with two UEF Enhancers it really robs my system of warmth and some body and gives that to air and soundstage. In all likihood, one is all I need.
Now, when I switched to Qobuz (instead of stored files) I noticed a different and more euphonic effect. Streaming still has some grit and noise that i don't like, but somehow there is a sweetness and 3D quality added that I am hearing. So, definitely improves streaming more than stored files, and in this case two of them are quite appropriate. I still prefer stored uncompressed files, however.
So yeah, they do some kind of ferrite-like thing that strongly favors network streaming, but also changes the sound even without streaming, and can be a bit much if you use too many of them (soundstage vs warmth/body).
I have some Furutech NCF boosters that I generally don't like near my audio stuff, but have been using the ferrite effect to good effect on the router and modem near the wall. Maybe removing one of them will balance the UEF Enhancers. And maybe they will change a little over time, but I think there probably isn't anything in there to burn in.