High powered single end 300b recommendations

I would like to try a se 300b integrated to find out what the famed sound is like. However, at 86db, my Harbeth S-HL5 are not very efficient. They need more like 25-30W to drive them.


Any recommendations on an 300b amp that will work with these speakers? 

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You might check out Manley. They have 300b mono’s you can switch between SE and push pull, 12 and 25 watts, respectively. They have a 300b pre, as well. 

If you want a high powered push pull 300b. Look at a canary  reference 8 300b s in each channel. They have smaller amps as well. Also look at the western  electric  new integrated  amplifier  is is single ended 300b s wired differently so the power doubles up. Both of those recommendations  are not for the faint of heart  nor the empty billfold.
