Cambridge 740c or Rega Apollo with Linn and Sonus

Hi everyone,

I live in a 2 bedrooms apartment and my current setup(living room) is a Nad C542 with Linn Majik-I int. amp. and Sonus Faber Concertinos. I am ready happy with what I have but would like to upgrade cdp to either a Cambridge Audio 740C or a Rega Apollo or any other player around the same price range. I mostly listen to jazz, classical, soft rock, voices. I would like a cdp that can transmit the emotion from a voice, not too harsh or too analytic. I prefer warmth, rich notes over detail. Which player do you think is more suitable for my setup and the qualities that I am looking for?

I recently purchased the 740c and now have over 200 hours on it. Once you dial it into your system with interconnects and a power cord it is an excellent player with detail and clarity. The largest difference I hear in this player that sets it apart from other players is that it unravels the musical lines, other players tend to lump everything together forming a unintelligible distorted mangled mess. I love this player but wish it had a touch more dynamic slam, bass drum kicks are ever so slightly soft which leads me to wonder what the 840c sounds like in comparison. I must add that I had the Apollo several months ago and sold it, even though it uses the same Dac as the 740c it sounds like a very different machine.

The original poster has probably already made his decision by now, but for what it's worth, I have heard both the NAD and the Rega, and for my ears, there is absolutely no comparison - the Rega is the better player in every respect. I have not heard the Cambridge, so can't compare that one. I bought an Apollo after hearing it, and I have since heard other brands that cost about 5 times as much and don't come close to matching its quality.
I agree with Phill that the Cambridge's strongest dynamics are not in the bass. While it HAS bass kick, it doesn't bulge out at you - or perhaps I should say it doesn't launch a wavefront of great power at you. The 840, and from what I read recently, the 840 amp and preamp are all of the same breeding. The sound doesn't quite let loose in the way the Rega Apollo does, but I will say the Cambridge is quite a bit cleaner than the Rega, although perhaps less exciting.
It is nice to hear the musical lines separated from each other, isn't it Phill?
Used Linn Genki for about $750. With Linn black interconnects and LK20 or LK400(biwire) speaker wire.

Awesome synergy!
My 840c has maybe.....20 hours of play and while still a little 'new' is terrific. Great resolution and dynamics.
I am using the balanced into a PSAudio GCC and driving some Magnepans...
So far, everybody seems to be playing nicely together.

Also, Just as a general comment, don't worry about chipset or DAC or whatever. It is IMPLEMENTATION that counts.
2 players with same or similar chipsets/dacs can sound a world apart. player #1 uses Hi-Quality components thruout, a no-compromise PS and is fully balanced thruout. Player #2, using the same chipset/dacs has cheesy caps an indifferent PS and uses unbalanced outputs.
You've seen how this turns out.