Sad to hear the good people at Timbernation had a fire (and no insurance).




Wow!  This Internet thing is out of control.  Perhaps we should hunt it down and kill it.  I came for audio enlightenment and leave with the feeling fraud has been committed.  I want a refund for the assault of occult logic 

Everybody have a nice Zoloft day.  I know I will.  Cheers


Post removed 

I agree with WolfGarcia as this is not the place for this type of discussion. However, Mr. Cerrot  I was in the '' insurance business '' a little bit longer than you were and depending upon the circumstances as we working with limited information here ; depending upon when the loss occurred this could easy fall under the agent's E&O otherwise know as Errors and Omissions Coverage. I digress because as you noted ;  '' no one understands this better than me ''. If this was in fact the case,  then Timbernation will be taken care of although as well all know this could take some time. But to start a ; Go Fund Me for this business well that is beyond the realm of acceptability as least for me and I have a great idea ; I will start a Go Fund Me because I am suffering due to the fact that I can't afford new and better speakers........when will that madness end. Enjoy our music and get your facts straight in the future.                

Someone dropped the ball.  How did the new owners get a mortgage without proof of insurance (assuming a mortgage)?  In the US, don’t most business property insurance policy’s include an anti-assignment of benefits clause in the contract, therefore, prior covered could not be transferred to the new owner.  

What I don’t understand is the Go Fund me goal was around 7 grand.  Does this mean that Timbernation didn’t have even 7 grand available to do the repairs?   If that is the case, then they are truly operating on a shoe string budget and it is not a good way to run a business.  That tells me a lot.