Best sounding low power (under 80watts) Class AB amp?

What the world needs is a nice sounding lower power class AB amplifier under 35lbs. I'm tired of power sucking light-bulb dimming Class A designs and 80+ pound Class AB immovable boat anchors on dollies. Tubes and Class D need not apply.

An Audio Research 100.2, CJ MF-80/MF-2250 come to mind. What else is there?

What do you think? I'm I the only one?

--Sensible in Springfield.


I'll second the AGD Audion....pricey but smooooooooth. I stayed in that room at Florida Hi Fi Expo last year for almost an hour. A less expensive alternate at $2500 is the Peachtree GaN 400....Smooth as tubes with great soundstage and not a hint of hardness. I am not a fan of their pre/dac but that amp is like the LRS+ of Ganfet amps. Also extremely light in weight. You can try it....don't like it send it back. Can't Loose.

@hi2alex2 Wrote:

Yeah, the Vidar is out. I know it's high value and a fine amp but I can’t bring myself to buy a product that doesn’t have chassis mounted RCAs. Just can’t do it. It the audio line in the sand for me.

The Vidar 2 amp has two chassis mounted RCAs one right and one left.

See below:


@hi2alex2 -- what are you talking about? The Vidar has left and right RCA line inputs -- the same as my Aegir which I'm listening to right now.  The only reason there is also a XLR input is if you wish to use the amp in mono mode for higher power output, and then you'd need two Vidars for stereo operation. 

Topping LA90 is what I am using now. I picked this with the same criteria as you are looking for. Low weight, Class A/B under 80 watts, runs only slightly warm. It has beat out the Benchmark AHB2 as the lowest Sinad measurements. I've sold off the heavy and hot Pass Labs X250.5, Classe Monos and have my 150 pound Enlightened Audio Designs PM 2000 for sale. It can be used as a three input integrated, high/low bias and also mono. I have tried it in mono and I didn't hear any reason to go that route so, the value proposition is high for this amp.