Best sounding low power (under 80watts) Class AB amp?

What the world needs is a nice sounding lower power class AB amplifier under 35lbs. I'm tired of power sucking light-bulb dimming Class A designs and 80+ pound Class AB immovable boat anchors on dollies. Tubes and Class D need not apply.

An Audio Research 100.2, CJ MF-80/MF-2250 come to mind. What else is there?

What do you think? I'm I the only one?

--Sensible in Springfield.


@mlsstl @ditusa  I could be mistaken but what I see is chassis mounted 'binding posts' not RCAs. The RCAs on the Aegir/Aegir look to be circuit board mounted in plastic cups which are screwed/supported by the chassis. It's not the same.

@rrboogie You replaced your X250.5 with a Topping LA90? Are you an EE by chance?

@mlsstl @ditusa so we’re on the same page here is an example of my understanding of a chassis mounted RCA.

@mlsstl @ditusa

Here is example of a 'non-chassis mounted RCA' on this Hegel similar to what I see on the Aegir/Aegir

+3 AGD

The new stereo Tempo is almost the same as the upper line Audions for a bit over $5K. The cream of GaN amps. And light weight. Shouldn’t discount all Class D.