Amp for Focal Electra 1008Be

hi folks. I am in the market looking for an amp for my focal electra 1008be bookshelves. I have few in consideration:
1. hegel H160
2. YBA IA350 (new Shanling occupied YBA)
3. Marantz PM11S3

What do you guys suggest or recommend if any even if they are besides the above. thanks.
@polarfocus: thanks for the suggestion mate. But I already bought the Hegel H 160 :) and really happy so far though its still breaking in...looking to get a sub now to fill up the low end.
So has your Hegel lived up to the challenge the past couple years? I have been wanting to pull the trigger on either the new H90 or the older 160. The 90 is getting heavy reviews across the spectrum. I saw about 4 showcases in about 10 are running Hegel with various Focals even though they are partnered with Naim now:).  (I have the Focal anniversary 807w's on custom stands) My real issue though is I have a 12 year old Arcam AVR300 and I really love this amp. I have replaced 3 remotes now and the volume pot went out about a year ago and I still can't rationalize replacing it as the unit sounds so amazing and the quality is serious even for its age. That it runs 120 watt RMS in stereo mode and has a 1-1 volume ratio is great for late night listening adjustment.  I really want to get a Hegel in house though as I have yet to read a mediocre review. But will it surpasses my sweet old Arcam and my expectations? Thats the hesitance on the trigger.  

hi hawaiian guy sorry i just saw the post again after years and dont have access to the old account. yes i am still on my h160 :) only issue i have had in all these years was left channel seeing distortion a month ago. sent it to the dealer and got it after two weeks fixed. apart from that have been happy with h160 on my bookshelfs

Pass has one of if not the best customer support in the industry. Nothing to worry about there at all. That being said, of your room is not too big, add Pass Int25 to your list.