I’m trying to evaluate the benefit of having 2 20 amp circuit breakers feeding into a double outlet positioned behind a quad outlet plate (ie, a multi branch circuit) vs. Modifying it to a double outlet being fed by 1 20 amp circuit breaker. Do I lose that much by making this change in terms of reduced noise benefit?
In light of the multi branch circuit not really being 2 dedicated circuits, does it matter very much if I power of those double outlets with one 20 amp circuit breaker versus a double pole configuration (ie. 40 AMps total).
I don’t really need 40 Amps of power and while 2 dedicated circuits would be highly preferable I’m not sure existing multi branch configuration I have is achieving anywhere near what 2 dedicated circuits would achieve. So why not free up panel availability by just having one circuit breaker Power the double outlets. I still have 10 gauge wire feeding it so the benefits of that are still there.
Then I could take the leftover 20 amp circuit breaker and wire to another location in the house which also has a listening room and create a new dedicated Circuit into this room.