Tube CD player w/ balanced output

My first post after much lurking. I have started to upgrade my system bit by bit; as a result I have decided to finally abandon my bias against digital audio. My amp is a McIntosh 6900 so I would like something w/ balanced output to take full advantage of the options the McIntosh offers. I recently heard a couple of tube CD players (a Raysonic 168 and a Consonance 220T I think) and was quite impressed with the results. I'd like to spend say $1000 or under if possible. I admit to being new to the audiophile world after hovering at its edges for some time, especially when it comes to CD players, so if you think I'm looking in the wrong direction please let me know. Any advice, suggestions, etc. are greatly appreciated.
I will highly recommend the Doge 6 tube player for above your price but a absolute steal at $1399 from Pacific Valve or Cattylink which is a little cheaper even with a 2 day ship from China. This player will compete with players 4 x its price.
Second the Lector,with a pair of NOS RCA's the only thing between you and the music is the air.
Thanks all for the input. Considering the responses here, I think I may have to readjust my projected budget. Seems like $1K isn't going to get it done if I want tube and balanced output. The Morrow Audio fits, but I can't find any reviews or commentary on it. Also had someone recommend a Shanling CD 300/3000 (both players look similar with the round display in the middle of the faceplate). From googling a bit it appears that the balanced output on the Shanling is for the solid state channel only (from a 6 Moons review: "6922 tubes do remain for the CD-3000, albeit below deck vented through perf openings and active only for the RCA outputs. The XLRs offer a transistor flavor for variety")--not sure how I feel about that. Will have to look into the Lector CDP 0.6 as it looks promising and used probably would not be that far out of my price range. A used Raysonic is another possibility. I'd love to be able to afford the BAT VK-D5SE but $2500 for a used unit is more than I can afford at the moment. Have heard wonderful things about the Doge 6--no balanced output but a very reasonable price. It's on my preliminary list.
