You didn't mention your budget so frankly, I would just call Hoover Dam and have them run a dedicated 100 KV, 3 phase line out to your house along with a step down transformer to three split phase lines of 230VAC each. Use one leg for the stereo, one leg for the home theater, and one to run the rest of the place. :-) J/K
Take a look at Parasound Amplifiers, I have a couple of those now and I am quite impressed with them. For the 4 Ohm speakers, I would look at an amp that specs the 4 Ohm output power and is also stable into a 2 Ohm load. You want headroom in spades at lower impedances. The Halo models are the top of their line, and the Classic series are very hard to beat in sound quality. I think they are on a factory dealer wide sale at the moment.
I am not familiar with their new preamps, so I won't comment on those. I have an older one that is quite nice although I don't use it much since I bought a Conrad Johnson preamp. They are John Curl designs, so obviously they are going to be good.