upgrade player or use modified oppo bdp 105 as transport

New to asking questions but I am looking to replace my "Modwrighted"  (all mods and power supply) Oppo BDP 105 (not 105D) player as I believe there's much better out there these days and I have experienced expensive tube deterioration way in advance of claimed hours. ( leads to bright or harsh sound) (solid state only in the future) Love that it plays and decodes all (SACD,HDCD,CD) (yeah blue ray and DVDA too but I have none)  Was considering using it as a transport to a killer DAC (MQA included) but was under the impression the bdp105 lacks the most effective means of outputting digital info to an outboard DAC.??????  (digital outs listed are "optical" and "coaxial')  Really loved the sound but I think things have improved on the digital frontier over the last 7-plus years.

All input is most welcome. Thanks.

System: Modwright/Oppo BDP 105 as a source

Parasound JC2 Pre amp into a Pass Labs X250.5 amp to Harbeth 30.1 speakers on stands.

Cables. Cardas balanced (xlr)



Last year I was looking to upgrade my Oppo to something else and I realized that I stream in hi res so I didn’t need the SACD much and with my current DAC, almost any CD transport would work.  I bought an Audiolab 6000CDT and have been very happy. Although I hear Jay’s Audio has a new transport. 😁

I have a 105D (although not modified) and never use it anymore. Unless you have a large collection of SACD or the like I would invest in a better Dac and a ripper/streamer. I started ripping disks years ago- much better to me than upgrading disk players. 

get a new player, or transport and DAC, sell the Oppo ... streaming is a separate issue