room size question.

( wasnt sure what category to put this in ,so figured this one would get more views)


in watching some you tube videos, one from Jays audio lab, and another one from Paul ( ps audio ), they both mention how the speakers should be set up in the room and it seems they bring them out into the room quite a bit.    they say that when this happens, you have the soundstage and jay was mentioning that there are layers that one gets to hear when listening.

my question i guess is that can this same thing happen in a smaller room, say 12x12 or is one just limited to say center imaging due to room size ?

room is treated


this is the ps audio video

jays video


i have not turned the subs off.           i guess my question is what would be the purpose of that ?

yes the gear is in between the speakers.      the stands are basically amp stands, so they are very low to the ground.

1) It is easy & free to try and the interaction of the subs with the speakers (particularly in a small room) may have an effect on sound stage.

@)I understand that you currently have your gear between your speakers, my question was:  in that listening environment that you previously had your system in, was your gear between your speakers then?



i will keep at it.      i have a few things i am going to try.




I understand that you currently have your gear between your speakers, my question was:  in that listening environment that you previously had your system in, was your gear between your speakers then?

equipment was in between the speakers at the other house  / system as well.    

biggest difference from there to here is the size of the room i had over there.



With the right speakers this will work fine. I wouldn't use speakers with lots of woofers. That makes it tough

Something to try would be to raise the speaker to a higher level so that the tweeter plane is at least at ear height.

I have the same room size and today I sat closer to the speakers and lower. My ears were at the midbass driver level.

5' out instead of 6', sitting on the floor. Giant difference. a lot more "surrounding", spacious soundstage. 

I have a humble system and 0 room treatment, other than curtains and furniture