how does the transporter rate

i have audio aero capitole se mk ii, how does it compare to hooking up a transporter from slim devices, using flac files , is it open and transparent and lots of detail
Y'all should venture back to that great Audiogon Thread..."What Is Jitter..."

Answer: Not much to worry about....
Good to answer your qustion.
I have had the Transporter now since last Thursday.
So far so good. Not the same as my Sony SCD-1 which I sold but
still quite good. I will use the Transporter when multi-tasking, not good enough for critical listening IMHO.
But the sheer convenience to listen to music cannot be beat.
In can see myself going for Dan's Modwright in the future to explore to see if it really is as good as the 6 Moons review states it is.
But for now still learning how to use all of the options.
One thing is for sure, it will stay in my system.

Beam me up Scotty.
thanks ,dan wrights mod , is taking the unit and making it very analog sounding , my AA AERO CAPITOLE SE MK II SOUNDS VERY ANALOG, AND THE CONVENIENCE USING MODDED TRANSPORT IN SYSTEN USING FLAC FILES WILL BE VERY INTERESTING, A Friend has modded transport with seperate computer set up with tons and tons of storage capacity ,with mark levinson equipment ,and wilson speakers, and has stored 10000 songs in flac files .album covers ,sound is very impressive
thanks guys super responses