Don Sachs Owners Thread

A place to discuss amps, preamps, and phono stages from Don Sachs. 


I just purchased a like new D2 linestage. It has 2 gain controls, 64 step volume control, and digital volume readout. It is set up for the new rectifier. This is my first 6sn7 based linestage. It came with Ken-Rad Vt 231and gray RCA tubes. There are 3 rectifier tubes. A huge Philco 6BY5G, a Tung-Sol 6BY5G, and a Bendix 5852. There is also an Ice Age Audio power cord. With 2 different sounding outputs there are a lot of options. I need to find out what value the output caps are. I have the D2 connected at the moment to a VTL ST150. Input impedance is 125K and 2v in for maximum gain. 

I placed the RCA tubes in left front and rear and Ken-Rad in the right. Used Philco rectifier. Plugged VTL amp into output 1. The brightest sounding preamp I've ever heard. It was comical, bass drums sounded more like cymbals. Output 2 sounds like normal music. This surprises me. With 125K input, I thought there would be no problem getting bass response. 

Some questions.

1. Are the 6Sn7's in the right locations? I guessed by looking at the sellers photograph.

2. Is the Ice Age Audio the AC cord the brand Don offers as an option? 

3. I'll audition all 3 but which rectifier would be considered tops?

The linestage sounds amazing. 




@rbaughman welcome to the Don Sachs component thread. You have a great sounding linestage. I have a Bendix rectifier. It is punchy and kind of forward sounding. Exciting, but not very subtle. I find it a little fatiguing. 

Don't think you have to worry about starting a fire with tubes. Though it is possible for a tube to take out other parts. This seems less likely with a linestage. I have had the problem with amp power tubes. Even that didn't start a fire.



So who's got a Don Sachs preamp in the Los Angeles area who'd be nice enought to let me hear it.  I've got the itch to swap out my Cary SLP98 F1.  

I am in Santa Clarita, Ca.  Current system is Cary SLP98 F1, fully modded SMC Audio DNA1 amp, Usher Dancer Mini2 floor standers, Denafrips Pontus2 DAC,  full Acoustic Zen interconnects and Goertz silver speaker cables.   

I don't know if I should one of Don's pre or send my Cary in for upgrades.  I love/hate this hobby.  



Hello all,

Took delivery of a DS II about 6 weeks ago.  First off, Don is a great guy.  Love the pre, replaced a Modwright LS100 which is also great.  Don's has more detail and more punch.   As a dedicated tube roller I have most 6sn7's in house as well as a variety of rectifiers.  Don built mine for 5V or 5U4G types.  I am a bit surprised, not alot of tube rolling info out there......burned mine in with the supplied Linlai tubes and to my ears sort of hazy and unfocused.  Not a fan.  My favorite is the Melz 1578 but as Don predicted,  a bit hot.  95% of my playlist they are outstanding but on some get a bit edgy.   RCA VT-231 nice but lose come punch.  Raytheon VT-231 kind oh lifeless.  Have some Ken Rad Blackglass in coming.   Anyone have experience with the Ken Rad clear glass?  Never been a Sylvania 6sn7  fan but haven't tried them yet in Don's.  Any input from other tube rollers out there?  BTW, rectifier I'm running is the Mullard GZ37 fat bottle.  Wonderful.


Hi ptrck887,

I am surprised you find the Linlai tubes hazy and unfocused.  They are very transparent in my DS2 and throw a large soundstage/image well.  I have only tried recent and current production tubes from Psvane, Shuguang and Linlai, and prefer four of the Linlai's to any combination involving these other brands.  I use a Sylvania 6BY5GA rectifier and prefer this to a few other modestly priced rectifier tubes. Given how sweet the Linlai's sound, I have no interest in exploring the NOS rabbit hole :)

Cheers, Soren 


I just went through the tube roll exercise.  I got my DS with 4 Shuguang and a Sylvania 6X5gt rectifier. 

I asked an old audiophile friend some tube recommendations since we have similar tastes for our system.  Top recommendation was the Tung Sol round/oval black plates.  Those were out of my price league right now.  Next were Ken Rad vt-231, 50’s Sylvania 6sn7w, 5692 RCA. 

I was in talks with Brent Jesse for some Ken Rad vt-231 clear glass.  Then I was gifted with Ken Rad 6sn7 188-5 date code 8-43.  They didn’t have the vt-231 or 6sn7 designation and only say Ken Rad.  I installed them in the input stage and left the Shuguang in the output.  From the start, bass was improved and had more detail.  As they warmed up more music snapped into focus and there was more separation and layering.  By the second day, the KR bloomed but the bottom end seemed tubby(?).  Did some research what to roll in the output stage.  I wasn’t able to find much info about tubes for the output but did find a post about one audiophile using 7N7 with an adapter.  From what I gathered, the 7N7 is a drop-in replacement with the adapter.  Supposedly, all 7N7 were manufactured by Sylvania.  National Union did make some and are very rare.  The construction of the short and tall  7N7 are similar to the Bad Boys/Chrome Domes.  Think one even suggested similar the the 6sn7w.  With the 7N7 in the output, everything got refined. More micro-details, lower noise floor, more solid bass.  Took the KR to another level.  I do wonder what the KRvt-231 would sound but for now am very happy.  As the 7N7 warm up/break-in more, I’ll report back if they will stay.  From what gathered, Sylvania’s can sound bright in some systems.