Looking for good speakers, soundstage not important

I'm looking for speakers for a large oddly-shaped room (living room, kitchen, hall all open).  There's no good place to position them for a soundstage so I'm saving that aspect for my actual listening room.  But I still want slam in the mid-low bass, clarity in loud noisy passages, excellent dynamic range, and excellent tonal colors for vocals.  They'll be attached to T+A 60 watt tube amp, bluesound and Thorens front end.  Replacing an old set of Proac 3s that are kaput.  Price range < $8k.  Any recommendations welcome.


Thanks I'm going to audition the Fritz speakers.  I had JBLs 40 years ago.  Hated them, but maybe it's time for a re-listen :)

Thanks again.  I've heard great things about DeVores.  They have a dealer in my area and I'll check them out.  Also interested in Ohms, but their home try-out procedure seems awkward.  Yes, they'll take them back, but from the description on the website, it looks like they'll try to talk you out of it.

I won't buy electronics without trying them at home, because I don't feel competent to assess them in a dealership, where the room and the whole chain are so different from what I have at home.  But speakers are distinct enough that I feel like I can get a sense by listening to them at a store.

From the reviews, I'm very interested in the Fritz speakers.  I have KEF LS50s in my exercise room, and the Fritz speakers sound like they're comparable but better and better able to fill a larger room; without being large floor standers.