@davidbeagrace Good question to which there is no easy answer as it’s a very personal decision. I ultimately decided to upgrade my DNA 0.5 RevA at SMcAudio when it failed for the following reasons:
- I really like the sound of my amp
- I know getting the amp upgraded will just give me more of everything I already like, so it’s a pretty sure bet
- The upgrade cost with partial gravity base was “only” $2500 and would basically give me a whole new amp
- The other amps I was considering that I was fairly confident would be a significant upgrade we’re all >$5000
- I didn’t really want to go thru the whole search process to find another amp
Taking all those things into account drove me to go with the upgrade. Due to a problem with my preamp I haven’t been able to listen to the amp but hoping I will this weekend, but I’ll forward thoughts once I’ve got some hours on it. Sorry about your amp — I know it sucks — but hope this helps, and best of luck with your decision.