Spectral DMA 200

Have recently acquired a Spectral DMA 200 amp and can’t hardly find any information about this amp. I call the manufacturer and was a dead end. Per chance would anyone know where to source an owners manual/spec sheet? Any info would be much appreciated. Many thanks

Ag insider logo xs@2xjalbertwebsterjr

I searched a bit and didn’t find anything relevant to a schematic available on line.

Goodwins in Waltham Mass is a Spectral dealer, maybe they could help

you out.

Dear @jalbertwebsterjr  : " know where to source an owners manual/spec sheet? "

You started the thread with that statement with out disclosing your real " agenda ":


""  looking for a wiring diagram for this amp. ""


You are in Agon since last december and you have only one post tha's in this thread.


I don't know what you want to do but does not exist a " wiring diagram " for an amp, exist schematics of its circuit boards that I don't think you can have for a Spectral unit.

What moves you to ask for that " wiring diagram "? what do you want to do with?

You can have some kind of advise if you disclose exactly what you are trying to find out .


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
