Spectral DMA 200

Have recently acquired a Spectral DMA 200 amp and can’t hardly find any information about this amp. I call the manufacturer and was a dead end. Per chance would anyone know where to source an owners manual/spec sheet? Any info would be much appreciated. Many thanks

Ag insider logo xs@2xjalbertwebsterjr

@jalbertwebsterjr  : Here you can rea part of the Spectral topology design.


I always admired the Spectral designs and had opportunity to listen to it 3-4 times and are excelent and normally the owners don't let it go their units:

Spectral Audio DMA-180 High-Current Reference Amplifier


Btw, maybe you need to test your unit loaded and not " empty ".



When a source is connected another hum is present or takes over > this hum will increase with volume. Head scratcher 

You need to use a Spectral preamp and MIT cables with it.  If not, the amp can be driven into oscillation easily.  Have you checked out Audio Circle, there may be a Spectral group there?

Spectral does not work on older gear since they can no longer get the parts.  Goodwins Highend may be able to help if anyone can.