question of integrated amplification: PASS LABS INT 250 VS ACCUPHASE E-800

My speakers are the Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution which  have a low efficiency: 86 db at 4 Ohms. So they need a lot of watts and current. My listening room is 23 feet X 23 feet with a regular celling. With the Pass Labs int 250 there will be no problem driving the speakers. I still consider the Accuphase E-800 but i hesitate because it is only 50 watts pure classe A (8 ohms) and 100 watts pure class A (4 ohms). Enough power despite the damping factor of 1,000 ? Another choice: the LUXMAN L-595 ASE?

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op you may want to look at codas csib designedby doug dale who worked with nelson at threshold


codas csib is configurable youcan order it as a 150 250 or 400watter



Rated Power


V3: 400 watts @ 8Ω


800 watts @ 4Ω 


Class A to ~8W @ 8Ω


V2: 250 Watts @ 8Ω


500 Watts @ 4Ω


Class A to ~12W @ 8Ω


V1: 150 Watts @ 8Ω


300 Watts @ 4Ω


Class A to ~18W @ 8Ω


Maximum Current: 130 Amperes peak 


Noise: -130dB referenced to rated output 


Input Impedance: 50kΩ unbalanced/1k balanced 


Output Impedance .04Ω from 20Hz to 20kHz 


Frequency Response: DC to -3dB @ 100kHz 


Distortion: <.04% from 10 Hz to 20kHz @ 400 Watts  


Gain: 26dB  




Transformer Type: Multi-tap, multi-winding toroidal 80,000 μF 


Power Filtering: 80,000 μF 


Transformer Rating: 3,000VA 


45 watts @ Standby (bias on)  

to change bias you send the amp into the factory

the csib is warm but less so then the pass

the cods has great bass and Dynamics

it is made in Ca and is pricefd less the the other amps

Dave and Troy

audio intellect Nj

coda dealers


Another to consider if you like the organic delivery of Accuphase but with much more power - the Audionet Watt. It retails at $18K or so and performs quite close to my $60K separates, and there is a used one from High Performance Stereo at half the price. 

The E-800 transitions to class AB after the first 50 watts (8 ohms) and will provide plenty of juice for nearly any loudspeaker. Of course, along with all that power one gets one of the most versatile, precision built, and gorgeous integrateds made.


I compared the int250 against an E800 at a dealer and preferred the Pass. The Accuphase E800 was too polite for my taste. I did not like the appearance of it either. I ultimately decided on a Diablo 300.