Hey all really do wanna get back to much more toe in as Im' missing notes that used to jump out but I can't do it yet..vocals get too in your face at higher volumes. (wasn't quite as bad an issue in the old listening room)
Mismatch in outputs could explain a lot. The Oppo does have variable volume that I currently have set at 86 out of 100. I believe Modwright recomends full 100 for more "oomph". Probably CAN try the Oppo as a pre amp. Never have but now I have a good reason.
Tomcar asked how Im' measuring speakers from the rear wall....from the rear of the speaker not the front. Now at 2 feet two inches. Trying that for awhile along with seat position moved forward a bit. Probably gonna throw some extra toe-in to see what that does...as suggested.
Using cloth at first deflection points on side walls now til I order the real deal down the road. Still think it could be a source issue as very good recordings sound pretty good/engaging. To me the system sounds very anemic off axis.