Gigawatt LS2 EVO power cord

Hello guys,

Any Gigawatt LS2 EVO or LS2 MK3 power cord users here?

I’ve been using one since a few days with my integrated (Norma IPA 140)and the results are so frustrating that I am thinking about going back to the LC3 MK3+ I was using previously and that was much better.

It seems that the LS2 requires a very long break in / burn in time, I am curious to know if anyone has experienced this as well, what is the best to do and how long did it take to fully break in.

Your feedback will be highly appreciated.


Wire, and power cords in particular, has ZERO effect upon a 20hz to 20khz music signal. This is a scientific fact! People that claim otherwise are delusional! There is no such thing as wire "burn-in." A Home Depot AC cord is indistinguishable from a fancy boutique cord. If you believe otherwise I have a nice bridge for sale!

I am like an atheist trying to argue with biblical scholars! Or rather Galileo's confrontation with the Inquisition! Go ahead and keep searching for that magic wire that ineffably transforms your listening experience. 

Dear JB, I am sorry that you never tested/compared any high end cable with your Home Depot AC cord.

No doubt that it is a fear for you to face the truth that burn in does exist for wires.