I feel bad for Generation X and The Millennial's

Us Baby boomers were grateful to have experienced the best era for rock/soul/pop/jazz/funk from 1964 thru 1974. We were there at the right age. Motown, Stax, Atlantic, Hi Records and then look at the talent we had. The Beatles, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Sam Cooke, Jimi Hendrix, Queen, James Brown, Rolling Stones, The Doors, Herbie Hancock, John Coltrane, Wes Montgomery,  T Rex etc. Such an amazing creative explosion in music, nothing can beat that era.

I feel bad for the younger crowd Generation X and Millennials who missed it and parents playing their records for you it isn't the same experience, seeing these artists live years after their prime also isn't the same.


Admittedly I find pitch correction software to be one of the most fatiguing things I've ever listened to. I grew up with the understanding that singing or playing with absolute pitch was expected and if someone didn't possess that ability, they pursued something other than music. But the inherent nature of capitalism is to make a profit. I believe this has been the downfall of popular music/culture. I'm not suggesting a controlled economy but I believe artistic integrity to be more important than maximizing dividends where it pertains to the artistic process. 

You only heard what some business man allowed through the gate. Congratulations on your limited knowledge.

This is the boomerest boomer post that ever did boomer.


A Gen Xer (the generation that was sick of Boomers way before everyone else hopped aboard that train lol)

@au_lait  please clarify,

You only heard what some business man allowed through the gate. Congratulations on your limited knowledge

I am glad I am alive now to listen to almost anything at any time on gear that is likely better than any time in history. Though I do find I am discovering more older music than new, such as Jeff Beck (I even saw him open for Santana but never liked his music until I was able to really discover his catalogue with ROON).

Luckily, I have a great local FM station that plays new pop and world music along with the most eclectic old stuff.