This is an excellent post.
I can report much of the same experience Watersalas describes in his transtion to PC audio.
I concur with this statement 100%. Very well put:
"By the way, I really love the computer-based approach as well. Being able to change albums instantly, or being able to play a couple of particular tracks I may be in the mood to hear while getting ready for work in the morning has really been amazing. I am really an album guy at heart, and tend to listen to albums all the way through, but it is really nice to just have it all right there in front of you when you are feeling impulsi very good soundve. I've played a lot of music I haven't heard in years due only to the convenience factor."
PC Audio is a big step forward that any audiophile can get into for not a ton of money, almost overnight. And get excellent sound.
We can all be musing about what we can do to make it sound even better as we go along, but for now my advice is, if you haven't already, GET STARTED ON IT!
You'll dig it.