Good inexpensive temporary speakers

Until we move out of our condo in about a year, I'm looking for a good temporary (probably monitor) set of speakers. Once we purchase the house we'll be moving to, I'll be able to make a better decision about final speakers.

Since they're temporary (and will be up on audiogon in 12 months) I'm looking for something inexpensive but good enough to listen to for a year. I'm thinking Nola Boxers (never heard), Maggie MMG's (heard and not crazy about but good for the price), or other in the $1500 and under range.

In my new campaign for simplicity the electronics will be the Wadia Intuition 01. It includes preamp, 200 watt (8 ohm) amp and Wadia DAC in once unit. It's a bit on the warm forgiving side but great sounding overall.

My preference is always for highly musical, timbre-ly correct and non-fatiguing. Any ideas?
Buy a pair of Epos Epic 2 bookshelves at Music Direct for $399/pair and save yourself a bundle. A friend has these and I find them very non-fatiguing and musical.
I'd love to hear these speakers as I love first order phase my Vandy's
Which Radio Shack? Personally, I've never heard a pair there that sounded good, but I haven't seen their speakers in years. I didnt' even realize they still sold them.
Check out the pioneer speakers at Walmart for around $79. Made by the dude that also makes the $37,000 pioneer speakers.